Avançar para o conteúdo


The congress will be held at the School of Technology and Management (ESTiG) of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança from the 24th to the 25th of July 2024.

Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

Campus de Santa Apolónia, 5300-253 Bragança, Portugal

How to Arrive?


215 Km
Itinerary: A4-Porto/Amarante - Vila Real - Bragança


490 Km
Itinerary: A1 |IP6 | A23 |IP2| A4: Lisboa – Torres Novas – Abrantes – Guarda – Macedo de Cavaleiros - Bragança


362 Km
Itinerary: A6/N.VI- Madrid/Tordesilhas- N122/E.82 Tordesilhas/Zamora/Alcañices – A4 Bragança


310 Km
Itinerary: A55|A3 | A11 |A7| A4 Vigo Braga – Guimarães – Vila Real - Bragança


Check the schedules and routes available in the companies: Rodonorte https://www.rodonorte.pt/en/ , Rede expressos https://rede-expressos.pt/en and FlixBus https://www.flixbus.co.uk/


Check links of buses to Portugal: Alsa https://www.alsa.com/en/web/bus/home and Autna https://www.autna.com/en/

Vila Real / Viseu / Cascais / Portimão

Air routes between Bragança and Vila Real/Viseu/Cascais/Portimão are operated by the airline Sevenair https://bookings.sevenair.com/en . Bragança airport is located 10 km from the city centre, from where you can take a bus or taxi.