Avançar para o conteúdo



Abstracts should be submitted by June 28th, 2024, following the template provided underneath and organized by congress topic (Innovative and sustainable food ingredients and products; InovaPulpIng – Development of sustainable products).

The scientific committee will peer-review the submitted abstracts and select six (6) for oral presentations while others will be indicated for poster presentations. All the abstracts selected for oral communication will be allocated to session 4.

General instructions:  

  • Posters will be displayed electronically on screens and will be accessible online on congress web page. Please use power point to prepare the posters. They should be in 16:9 portrait format (available in powerpoint), transformed into pdf file and submitted to eventos@morecolab.pt by July 16.

  • The maximum length for oral presentations is 15 minutes. All participants are requested to:
        • Keep to the stipulated time to avoid delays in the program. 
        • Send the abstract in Doc. format and fill the requested fields on the abstract submission platform. 
        • English is the official language of the congress. 
Please follow the above guidelines exactly. The Conference Organizers will reserve the right to reject abstracts that do not comply.
Note: Frame your work in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and briefly explain the choice (download logo in https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/news/communications-material/).

The congress will be held at the School of Technology and Management (ESTiG) of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança on July 24th and 25th of 2024.

Abstract Template

Use this template to prepare your abstract and submit it to the email eventos@morecolab.pt

Poster guidelines

Please follow the below guidelines exactly.